Heath and Dental for All.

We’ve partnered with Gallivan Student Health and Wellness to provide our members with robust health and dental coverage. We’re not just talking check-ups and teeth cleanings, either - though obviously, you get those too.
You’re also covered for great paramedical services like:
Physiotherapy and chiropractic;
Registered Massage Therapy;
and more!

Already covered?
No problem.
If you have equivalent coverage or better through another plan, you can opt out of ours and save yourself the fee. Click the button below to find out how.
Just want to know more?
We don’t blame you. Click the button below to head to the Gallivan website for our plan, and find out all you need to know.
Need some personalized help?
Our Gallivan representative is on-campus in the Bell E-Learning Centre all year. Or shoot an email to mystudentplan@oldscollege.ca